Here are some photos taken this afternoon as I walked around Keene and Keene Valley. Clean up and recovery are underway. You can compare some of these images to those I took on the first day to see the progress.
It is going to be a long process. Some of the damages are beyond quick fixes or clean ups. But the community is rallying! This town took a beating, it is battered and dirty right now, but it is still here… and is determined to pull through. This first photo captures that nicely for me.
Many businesses are indeed open today. We had breakfast at the ADK Cafe this morning, and here you can see diners enjoying lunch on the deck.
We’re told Tip-a-Canoe has been open as well.
Other businesses are working hard to clean up and are hoping to be back in action soon too. Our friends at Green Point Foods in Keene Valley are aiming for this weekend, for example.
Below are photos of clean up efforts at Cedar Run Bakery (Keene), Mc Donough’s Valley Hardware and the Mountaineer’s Garage Sale (both in Keene Valley). All three of these businesses experienced severe flooding.
Clean up around the Keene Fire Hall is ongoing. Here you can see some of the equipment set out at the Town Hall.
The next two photos are of a section of town that was hit very hard. Like with the Fire Hall, clean up efforts will have to be followed by significant rebuilding efforts.
In case you are wondering why some bridges give out in an event like this… here is a photo of a tree that has been jammed up next to a bridge between Keene and Keene Valley. Who knows how far that particular tree traveled, but you can see how it would have acted as a battering ram. If lots of debris begins to pile up against a bridge like this, the pressure can be immense.