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Willa The Reindeer

Naughty and Nice

It’s no secret who’s getting a lump of coal and who’s getting a year’s supply of bully sticks in her stocking this Christmas. By the way, do me a favor and do NOT Google “what are bully sticks made of?” Merry Christmas and you’re welcome.

Esther is going through a naughty streak. Sometimes we forget the she’s still a puppy because, up until now, she’s been such a perfect dog. She’s so laid back, nothing ever seems to rile her up. But lately… lately she can’t leave things well enough alone. Nor can she distinguish an appropriate puppy toy from an inappropriate puppy toy.

Bully stick? (Don’t look it up!) Appropriate puppy toy.

Christmas ornament stolen from the tree over and over and over again? Inappropriate puppy toy.

But, boy oh boy, is she ever cute. Maybe she’ll get a month’s supply of bully sticks (still tempted?) instead of a full year.

Willa, on the other hand, has been an angel lately. It makes me a little sad that she’s growing out of her puppy antics, but it’s also nice to see what a good and tolerant dog she’s turning into.

Happy Holidays, everyone! May your holiday be filled with peace, joy, and many, many bully sticks.

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