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The Garden

We got a new camera. Another one. That’s 3 new cameras inside of a year. Turns out our cameras don’t enjoy skiing or paddling or hiking quite as much as we do. It’s maddening. And expensive. But it’s important for us to have a decent camera around, so we keep buying new ones.

The fun part is that we (Dave) always have a new toy to play with. This morning I finally wrestled our newest acquisition away from him so I could snap some shots of our growing garden.

It’s tricky having a thriving garden in the Adirondacks. A short growing season and unpredictable weather are two pretty major obstacles to overcome. But we’re slowly getting the hang of it.

Last year, we only had a handful of tomato and basil plants scattered around in various pots and hanging baskets. This year, we got our act together and constructed a couple of raised beds so that we could take our chances with a real garden.

So far we’re better at keeping the garden alive than cameras. I have a sneaking suspicion it’s because you’re supposed to water the garden.

We have zucchini!

And cucumbers!

Sugar snap peas.

And scarlet runner beans. (Whose blossoms are every bit as delicious as they look.)

We have radishes.

And some gorgeous, fragrant dill.

And we have tomatoes. Oh boy, do we have tomatoes.

Lovely, lovely tomatoes.

– Green bell peppers
– Orange bell peppers
– Jalapeno peppers
– Arugula
– Buttercrunch lettuce
– Mesclun lettuce
– Chives
– Spinach
– Swiss chard
– Pole beans
– Carrots
– Basil
– Cilantro
– Broccoli rabe

That’s one hell of a salad, if I do say so myself.


  1. J

    Waterproof shockproof and freeze proof.. on my wish list for a good hiking camera

    Canon PowerShot D10

    Pentax Optio WG-1

    • Dave

      Absolutely! The demise of our most recent camera prompted some obsessive research on my part. I’m more convinced than ever that we need a solid “weatherproof” – some people call them “lifeproof” – point and shoot camera.

      Waterproof, shockproof, and freeze proof.

      For those rainy days, or days out on the lake paddling, and especially when ski season hits again.

      The problem is that there is an undeniable tradeoff with such cameras. You lose image quality and features.

      This class of camera also tends to be awfully expensive for what you get.

      We plan on doing a article soon that summarizes our research and what cameras (plural, so that is a hint! haha) we decided to go with to meet our needs.

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